艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:2057804




    从事艺术工作以来曾获奖几十次,其中比较重要的有:1997年,获岗松家族基金奖;2001年,获法国巴黎秋季沙龙最高奖——“泰勒大奖”,成为该活动103年历史中首次获此殊荣的中国艺术家,时年二十九岁;2004年获中央美术学院院长奖;2011年应邀参加第54届威尼斯双年展;曾获评“2012艺术权力人物”;2012年入选法国《Art Actuel》评出的2012年度“全球100名艺术***”,并荣登封面;2013年获评“2013中国风度人物”、“2013年度全球华人时尚***”;2014获首届“洛克菲勒中国杰出青年艺术家”大奖、“非凡历程”2014年度影响力·特别艺术家奖。
    Internationally renowned sculptor, one of the most iconic and famous Chinese sculptor of our time. His major works consist of the “Motherland” series, “Rose” series and “Clouds” series.
    In 1997 he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Sculpture. From 1998-2008, he taught at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in the Sculpture department. Cai Zhisong is now a professional artist who lives and works in Beijing.
    Amongst the numerous awards which he has been awarded, these several are the most important: 1997 Gangsong Family Fund Award, 2001 the Taylor Prize at the Paris Autumn Salon when he was 29, becoming the highest honor won by Chinese artists in its 103-year history; 2004 Bronze Prize at the 10th National Art Exhibition. In the same year, he was awarded the President’s prize at Central Academy of Fine Arts. 2011 he was invited to participate in the 54th Venice Biennale. 2012 he was selected as global “100 Art Leaders” on the cover of “Art Actuel” in France. In the same year, he appeared in the “Fashion LOFFICIEL” Men “Power List”, was rated “Art Authority Figures”. 2013 he was honored as “Mr. Uno 2013” in “Men’s Uno”, and was also selected as “2013 Global Chinese Fashion Leader”. In 2014 Cai won the Rockefeller Chinese Outstanding Young Artist Prize, and was granted “Extraordinary Journey” 2014 Annual Influence Special Artist Award.
    Cai has held more than a dozen solo exhibitions around the world and participated in group exhibitions. His art works have been collected by many well-known museums, art galleries and art institutions, including: Rockefeller Foundation for the Arts, Tyler Foundation, Newark Museum of Art in the United Sates, Museum of Regensburg in Germany, Museum of Fine Arts of Greece, The National Museum of Indonesia, The National Gallery of Singapore, Deutsche Bank, Belgium Embassy in China, The National Museum of China, The National Art Museum of China, the Art Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts (formerly CAFA Gallery), He Xiangning Art Museum and Zhejiang Art Museum, etc.
    In the fall of 2005, spring of 2006, Sotheby's Hong Kong Auction and 2012 China Poly Spring Auction, Cai has created the highest auction record for a Chinese sculptor in the international art market for three times.
    Created in the end of 1999, Motherland series took Cai 16 years to complete. Divided into three parts as Custom to Motherland, Ode to Motherland and Refinement to Motherland (the same name as three parts of Chinese Book of Songs), Cai's Motherland series is a combination of skills from different regions as well as different historical periods. Concrete modeling plus modern material language gave the artist a focus on history and humanity.
    Rose series was created in 2008 and completed in 2014. The material and installation of Rose together convey the artist’s attitude towards love.
    Cloud series was created in 2011. The first ones were made for Venice Biennale, including. In the Poly 2012 Spring Art Auction, one of them has been sold at the highest recorded price of 6.9 million RMB among domestic sculptors. The installation and idea of Cloud interpret the artist’s view of life.
“绽·蔡志松2019新作展” 12月8日-12月22日;
“云泉”中国传统美学的当代构型 苏州博物馆现代艺术展厅 4月13日-6月16日;
“时代经典”——2019中国雕塑学术邀请展 江苏海澜美术馆 9月27日;
蔡志松个展 印尼国家博物馆 雅加达 印度尼西亚;
蔡志松个展 Ode To Art Contemporary 新加坡;
蔡志松个展 雷根斯堡美术馆 德国;
51届威尼斯双年展 威尼斯 意大利;
Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia ;
Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, Ode To Art Contemporary, Singapore;
Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, Regensburg Museum, Germany;
Chinese Pavilion at the 54rd Venice International Biennial, Venice, Italy;
故国-蔡志松个展 旻谷画廊 台湾;
故国与玫瑰-蔡志松个展 艺凯旋艺术空间 北京 中国;
共享经典——现代雕塑版画展 新光天地 北京 中国;
逾越的版图——中外名家版画精品展 798 北京 中国;
Motherland-Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, Ming Art, Taiwan;
Motherland and Rose- Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, Triumph Art Space, Beijing, China;
Sharing with Classic, Beijing China;
Passing Territory-Chinese And Foreign Masters Fine Print Exhibition;
798 Art Bridge Gallery, SanBan Studio, Beijing, China;
故国-蔡志松个展 纽约中国广场 纽约 美国;
蔡志松作品展 See+画廊 北京 中国;
萌动 • 当代艺术邀请展 星光天地 北京 中国 ;
中国动力——2009中国国际雕塑年鉴展 北京 中国;
首届重庆青年美术双年展 重庆 中国;
传统的复活——山河 文本 记忆 法兰克福图书展 法兰克福 德国;
当代锋芒——中国当代艺术名家版画联展 重庆江山美术馆 重庆 中国;
我们的爱——“延”画廊开幕展 延画廊;
东北火锅——2009ACEA首展 798艺术区 北京 中国;
Motherland-Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, China Square NY, New York, USA;
Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, See+ Gallery, Beijing, China;
CISAE 2009, Beijing, China;
The 1st Youth Art Biennale in Chongqing, Chongqing, China;
Revival of Tradition-Mountain and River/ Text/ Memory Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt, Germany;
Print Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Artists, Chongqing, China ;
Our Love-Opening Show of Yan Gallery, Shanghai, China;
Northeast Hotpot-1st Show of ACEA 2009, La Ke’er Art Center, Beijing, China;
重现的想象 See+画廊 北京 中国;
流动的艺术 红风汇当代艺术空间 北京 中国;
易 DR画廊 北京 中国;
The Return Imagination, See+ Gallery, Beijing, China;
The Floating Art, Beijing, China;
Changes, DR Gallery, Beijing, China;
溯本求源——当代雕塑邀请展 798工厂 北京 中国;
Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture, 798 Factory, Beijing, China ;
故国-蔡志松2006作品展 升艺术空间 上海 中国;
首届中国当代艺术年鉴展 中华世纪坛美术馆 北京 中国;
中韩艺术交流展 3818库画廊 北京 中国;
红旗飘飘飘 798零工厂 北京 中国;
Motherland-Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, SHiNE Art Space, Shanghai, China;
1st China Document, China World Art Museum, Beijing, China;
China-Korea Art Exchange Show, 3818 Cool Galley, Beijing, China;
Chinese Contemporary Sketches Exhibition, Beijing/Hangzhou/Guangzhou/Shenyang, China;
The Red Flag, 798 Factory, Beijing, China;
故国-蔡志松2005作品展 拉克尔国际艺术中心 北京 中国;
移植的风景——当代雕塑与装置邀请展 肯尼迪中心 华盛顿 美国;
开放空间 雕塑作品展 望京LOFTEL 北京 中国;
蔡志松 冯峰二人展 艺术景画廊 上海 中国;
中国艺术家联展 Reed Savage画廊 迈阿密/佛罗里达 美国;
Motherland-Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, La Ke’er Art Center, Beijing, China;
Motherland-Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, Highland Gallery, Beijing, China ;
Installation & Sculpture Exhibition, Kennedy Art Center, Washington D.C, USA;
Open Spaces Sculpture Exhibition, Beijing LOFTEL, Beijing, China;
Cai Zhisong, Feng Feng Duo Exhibition, Art Scene China, Shanghai. China;
Group Exhibition Chinese Artists, Reed Savage Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA;
Open Spaces, CBD Art Space, Beijing, China;
Passion and Force Group Exhibition, Yan Club Art Center, Beijing, China;
故国-蔡志松2004作品展 艺术景仓库 上海 中国;
中央美术学院青年教师作品展 中央美术学院美术馆 北京 中国;
无间——当代艺术邀请展 重庆 中国;
60X—70X中国当代杰出青年艺术家邀请展 今日美术馆 北京 中国;
中国 想像——中国当代雕塑展 卢浮宫花园 巴黎 法国;
***建国五十五周年美术作品展 中国美术馆 北京 中国;
十届全国美展 中国美术馆 北京 中国;
激 醒 — 中法艺术的碰撞与融合 香港/上海 中国;巴黎 法国;
科隆艺术展2004 科隆 德国;
亚洲艺术邀请展 Frey Norris画廊 旧金山 美国;
中国当代雕塑展 布鲁塞尔 比利时;
Motherland-Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai, China;
Young Professors Show, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China;
Middle Space Between the World and Paradise, Chongqing, China;
60s to 70s Group Exhibition of Outstanding Young Chinese Artists,Today Art, Beijing, China;
China, Imagination China Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Palaise Du Louvre Square, Paris, France;
Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China;
The 10th Annual Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China;
La France Mandarine, Hong Kong, Shanghai, China. Paris, France Art Cologne 2004, Cologne, Germany;
Invitational Exhibition Asian Art Exhibition, Frey Norris Gallery,San Francisco, USA;
Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Brussels, Belgium;
故国-蔡志松2003作品展 比利时驻华大使馆 北京 中国;
今日中国美术展 中华世纪坛 北京 中国;
中国雕塑精品展 北京 中国;
国际环境艺术雕塑展 上海 中国;
首届北京国际美术双年展 中国美术馆 北京 中国;
转向——首届当代美术家年度邀请展 重庆美术馆 重庆 中国;
多元视点——当代艺术邀请展 艺术景仓库 上海 中国;
Motherland-Cai Zhisong Solo Exhibition, Belgium Embassy, Beijing, China;
Today’s Chinese Art Exhibition, China World Art Museum, Beijing, China;
Sculpture Exhibition, Beijing, China;
International Environmental Art and Sculpture Exhibition, Shanghai, China;
The 1st Beijing Biennale, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China;
Changing Directions The 1st Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing, China;
Multi-Focus, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai, China;
故国-蔡志松2002作品展 通道画廊 北京 中国;
中央美术学院雕塑系教师作品展 中央美术学院 北京 中国;
Professor's Sculpture Show, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China;
中国当代艺术欧洲巡回展 欧洲各国;
国际美术校长论坛雕塑特展 中央美术学院 北京 中国;
2001年西湖国际雕塑邀请展 西湖美术馆 杭州 中国;
法国巴黎秋季沙龙(Eiffel — Branly) 巴黎 法国;
Obtained Post-graduate diploma from Central Academy of Fine Arts;
Chinese Contemporary Art Touring Exhibition, Europe;
Exceptional Sculpture Exhibition of International Fine Arts Presidents ;
Forum, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China;
2001 Westlake Invitational Exhibition, The Westlake Art Museum, Hangzhou, China;
Paris Autumn Salon, Eiffel-Branly, Paris, France;
中国长春国际雕刻作品邀请展 长春 中国;
纪念抗日战争胜利五十五周年美术作品展 中央美术学院美术馆 北京 中国;
Invitational Sculpture Exhibition, Changchun, China;
55th Anniversary of Victory Against the Japanese, Central Academy of Fine Arts,Beijing, China;
青年雕塑家八人展 当代美术馆 北京 中国;
九届全国美展 中国美术馆 北京 中国;
Sculpture Exhibition of Eight Young Artists, Contemporary Art Gallery,Beijing, China;
The 9th National Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China,Beijing, China;
首届北京青年雕塑家作品联展 中央美术学院美术馆 北京 中国;
As a teacher of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department;
The 1st Group Exhibition of Young Sculptors in Beijing;
Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China;
Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department;
Born in Shenyang, Liaoning, China;
  • 2004年 第十届全国美展铜奖;
  • 2004年 Obtained the President’s Prize at Central Academy of Fine Arts;
    Obtained Bronze Prize at the 10th National Art Exhibition;
  • 2003年 中国福州国际雕塑邀请展优秀作品奖;
  • 2003年 Obtained Outstanding Work Prize at the Fuzhou International Invitational Sculpture Exhibition;
  • 2001年 于法国巴黎秋季沙龙获“泰勒大奖”;
  • 2001年 Obtained the Taylor Prize at the Paris Autumn Salon;
    Obtained Outstanding Work Prize at the Hebei International Invitational Sculpture Exhibition;
  • 2000年 纪念抗日战争胜利五十五周年美术作品展金奖;
  • 2000年 Obtained Gold Prize at the 55th Anniversary Exhibition of the Victory Against the Japanese;
  • 1997年 岗松家族基金奖;
  • 1997年 Obtained Gangsong Family Fund Award;
